
Showing posts from 2017

Me Love Beach (Yogyakarta ed.)

This was my photo collection from my instagram  of me, visiting beach in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This post was shared while I had to finish my college assignment for the next Monday to refresh my mind, because I really miss to go traveling and hunting some photos. So this is my photohunting result: 1. Pantai Baron (Baron Beach) 2. Pantai Ngobaran (Ngobaran Beach) 3. Pantai Parangtritis (Parangtritis Beach) 4. Pantai Drini (Drini Beach) 5. Pantai Depok (Depok Beach) 6. Pantai Pok Tunggal (Pok Tunggal Beach) 7. Pantai Indrayanti (Indrayanti Beach) 8. Pantai Krakal (Krakal Beach) 9. Pantai Kukup (Kukup Beach) 10. Pantai Ngrenehan (Ngrenehan Beach) *another photo will be updated soon~